Divorce & Family Law 

Family Law Solicitors In London 

Our fam­i­ly law solic­i­tors are empa­thet­ic and high­ly skilled. You will find us friend­ly, prac­ti­cal, and discreet.

Fam­i­ly break­downs can be one of the hard­est expe­ri­ences you’ll ever have to go through. You know that the deci­sions you make now will deter­mine your fam­i­ly’s future. It’s dif­fi­cult to think straight though when it seems like your life is falling apart in every direction.

We can help 

We under­stand the issues, and we’ve helped many peo­ple deal­ing with the same stress­es as you are come through it all clean­ly. We’ll help you work out the best way for­ward and nego­ti­ate calm­ly on your behalf. No mat­ter how hard it gets our fam­i­ly law solic­i­tors will stand by you and keep our eyes on the best pos­si­ble out­come for you and your family.

We can help with:

Ami­ca­ble sep­a­ra­tions and divorces

If you’ve already worked out a plan that is agree­able to both par­ties, then we can help make it legal­ly binding.

Con­test­ed hearings

If nego­ti­a­tion and medi­a­tion isn’t going to work in your sit­u­a­tion then our fam­i­ly law solic­i­tors will stand up and fight for your rights in Court.

Child con­tact, res­i­den­cy or maintenance

Mak­ing arrange­ments for your chil­dren fol­low­ing a fam­i­ly break­down isn’t always easy. We’ll make sure that the children’s best inter­ests are at the heart of every dis­cus­sion and that your rights as a par­ent or grand­par­ent are upheld.

Finan­cial settlements

Your future depends on an equi­table split of your finances so we will make sure that all of the assets are on the table and that the divi­sion is done fairly.

Domes­tic abuse

Please call the police if you feel you are in dan­ger and get med­ical atten­tion straight away for any injuries you might have. Once you’re out of dan­ger, we can help you get the pro­tec­tion to need to ensure you and your chil­dren remain safe. We can get Orders put in place quick­ly which afford you greater pro­tec­tion from the police.

Child care proceedings

If social ser­vices are threat­en­ing to take your chil­dren into care or have already done so then we can help.

Prenup­tial agreements

No one likes to go into mar­riage antic­i­pat­ing the worst out­come, and yet, it’s impor­tant to pro­tect your rights. We’ll make the con­ver­sa­tion less awk­ward by work­ing out whether you need an agree­ment, and if you do, what terms make sense to both of you.

Frequent Questions 

I’m not in Lon­don, can you still rep­re­sent me?

Our fam­i­ly solic­i­tors reg­u­lar­ly assist clients through­out the UK