Our Ethos

We are London’s newest, youngest and most dynam­ic law firm. We under­stand the con­sul­tan­cy mod­el inside out and embrace tech­no­log­i­cal changes that will boost con­sul­tants’ income.

Why become a con­sul­tant solicitor?

We’ve all been there – hav­ing to force your­self out of bed to get to the office at a spec­i­fied time even though your work has already been man­aged and is in good order.

We’ve all been there – hav­ing to pluck up the courage to ask the man­ag­ing part­ner if you can leave 15 min­utes ear­ly to catch your child’s school play despite hav­ing been in the office for 13 hours a day the past two weeks.

We’ve all been there – micro­manag­ing annu­al leave because you need three weeks off to plan a wedding.

We’ve all been there – see­ing your annu­al billing fig­ure but only receiv­ing one third of it, if you’re lucky!

Con­sul­tan­cy makes the above sce­nar­ios some­thing of a dis­tant memory.

Con­sul­tan­cy allows you to pick your own hours, work remote­ly and man­age your case­load with independence.

Con­sul­tan­cy allows your income to be direct­ly deter­mined by your billing and abil­i­ty to gen­er­ate your own clients. You are finan­cial­ly reward­ed for the work you put in.

The shack­les are tru­ly off as a con­sul­tant solic­i­tor and your only respon­si­bil­i­ty is doing what you do best – being a solicitor.

Why should I join Judge Law as a con­sul­tant solicitor?

Our man­ag­ing direc­tor, Sim Judge, has spent two thirds of his career as a con­sul­tant solic­i­tor. He knows exact­ly what is required to run a suc­cess­ful con­sul­tan­cy and we know what sup­port is required, when and how it should be delivered.

Judge Law offer its con­sul­tants the following:

1. The abil­i­ty to work from absolute­ly any­where there is an inter­net connection
• We whole­heart­ed­ly encour­age our con­sul­tants to work from wher­ev­er they are most productive.

2. The abil­i­ty to work when you want
• We have no desire to keep check on your work­ing hours. Late ris­er? Fine by us. Want to work four days a week? Fine by us. Want to log off at 3pm because of a spe­cial event? Fine by us. As long as client care isn’t com­pro­mised Judge Law ful­ly sup­port and active­ly encour­age flex­i­ble working.

3. Zero billing targets
• Con­sul­tant solic­i­tors are direct­ly respon­si­ble for their own income. Judge Law do not impose any billing tar­gets. How­ev­er, we have a mar­ket lead­ing slid­ing scale in place, which means the more you bill, the high­er your percentage.

4. Admin­is­tra­tive support
• We have a trust­ed team of sup­port staff that are on hand to dis­trib­ute incom­ing post, tran­scribe dic­ta­tion and every­thing else that will allow your main focus to be ser­vic­ing your clients.

5. Mar­ket lead­ing case man­age­ment software
• We have teamed up with a lead­ing cloud based case man­age­ment sys­tem, which is sim­ple, easy to use and most of all effi­cient. Wast­ed 6 minute units on admin­is­tra­tive work is a thing of the past. Need a bill pre­pared? The soft­ware com­pletes it for you at the click of a but­ton. All you have to do is send it to the accounts depart­ment who will take care of the rest.
• The soft­ware is inno­v­a­tive, rev­o­lu­tion­ary and bespoke. It will change the way you work entire­ly and free up time to fee-earn for yourself.

The Num­bers

Judge Law is lead­ing the way in the remu­ner­a­tion of their con­sul­tants. The fee-share is as follows:

Screenshot 2016-11-30 14.59.04

Who are we look­ing for?

We are look­ing for lead­ers in their field in the fol­low­ing areas of law:

• Crime
• Commercial
• Conveyancing
• Corporate
• Employment
• Family
• Pub­lic Law
• Litigation
• Wills and Probate

Con­sul­tants should be more than 3 PQE and have an estab­lished client fol­low­ing in excess of £40k. We are able to sup­port con­sul­tants in obtain­ing new instruc­tions and already have a pletho­ra of intrade­part­men­tal instruc­tions to refer.

If you want to be part of London’s fastest grow­ing firm, please send your details to [email protected].